Western Mountaineering

Western Mountaineering Sequoia MF

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  • Regular price $945.00

For serious weather protection our roomy Sequoia is available in a tightly woven 1.2 oz. MicroLite XP™ shell. The MicroLite XP™ fabric offers maximum breathability while allowing a high degree of water resistance. These Sequoias have a full down collar solidly stuffed with down to provide a protective seal from the bellows effect as you move about inside your bag. The continuous baffles allow you to adjust the down fill to suit the changes in weather. Its two zippers not only allow you to zip to mummy bags but also to unzip the foot so that it can lie out flat. Our Sequoias are a perfect choice if you don’t like sacrificing elbow room during the most weather prone climates.

  • 5 1/4″ Spacing/Continuous Baffles
  • 6″/48″ Shoulder/Foot Girth
  • Full Down Collar
  • 7″ Loft, 5° F
  • 33 oz. Down Fill
  • 3 lbs. 4 oz. Total Weight